Favorite FAQs
What are the school hours? |
School hours are from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. |
What are the times for the PreK sessions? |
Monday – Friday (half day) 8:00-2:50 PM |
What is the age requirement for PreK? |
PreK students must be four by September 30 and be developmentally ready. |
Is a physical required to enter? |
Yes, all students entering St. Thomas Aquinas are required to complete and submit a Virginia School Entrance Form with complete immunizations. |
Do students wear a uniform? |
Yes, Aquinas has a regular uniform with fall and spring options along with a PE uniform. |
Is there before and aftercare? |
Yes, Aquinas operates an Extended Day Program that is available to students in grades PreK-8 from 6:00 to 8:00 AM and again from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. |
More FAQs
Yes, parents are required to volunteer 10 hours per school year (5 each semester). A cash fee of $20.00 may be substituted for each service hour.
Class sizes typically range from 24-26 students. In Kindergarten there is an Instructional Assistant in each classroom. In first through fifth grade, there is an Instructional Assistant per grade.
Aquinas is staffed by the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia located in Nashville, TN. We currently have four sisters on staff – three teachers and one principal.
Yes, Aquinas is accredited through the Virginia Catholic Education Association (VCEA).
Yes, students at Aquinas begin Spanish instruction in first grade and continue through eighth grade. Spanish in grades 1-3 is an effort grade while in fourth through eighth grade it is an academic grade. We also have a Heritage Program for native speakers of Spanish for students in grades 7 and 8.
The student population at Aquinas is ethnically diverse. 65% of the students are Black, Hispanic, or Multi-Racial. 29% of Aquinas families speak 14 different languages other than English.
The Department of Education honors schools which have achieved high levels of performance. One of the ways this performance is measured is through test scores. A Blue Ribbon School must maintain standardized test scores in the top 15% nation-wide over a five year period. Aquinas was recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in 2011.
Yes, Aquinas has a nurse who provides full-time coverage in our clinic.
While we cannot guarantee that we are 100% nut-free, the nurses at Aquinas identify and monitor all students with either food or environmental allergies to provide the safest environment possible.
Yes, Aquinas strives to meet the needs of all its students. Students with special needs are evaluated once an application is submitted. A team of teachers will then determine if we can meet the education needs of the applicant.
Yes, Aquinas has a 5-day a week voluntary hot lunch program. Students who wish not to participate may bring lunch from home. Milk and other snack items may also be purchased during lunch.
A parish school serves only one parish while a regional school serves several parishes. At Aquinas we serve three parishes – Our Lady of Angels in Woodbridge, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Lake Ridge, and Sacred Heart in Manassas.
Yes, we have had students from Pakistan, China, Saudia Arabia, England, Sierre Leone study with us.