Following the example of St. Thomas Aquinas, patron Saint of Catholic schools, our mission is to teach
Faith and Reason: that all truth comes from God and academic excellence finds its purpose in Him.
Philosophy of Learning Statement
In light of our motto, Faith and Reason, St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School believes it is essential to:
- offer a dynamic, faith-filled learning environment centered in the Person of Jesus Christ and following the teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
- partner with parents, the primary educators, in a whole-child approach that includes spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, artistic and physical formation.
- provide a safe environment where children feel accepted and respected.
- inspire students to desire knowledge and skill, allowing them to grow into lifelong learners.
- meet the needs of diverse learners, promoting creativity and inquisitiveness through a challenging academic curriculum as well as offering a variety of teaching methods and academic support services.
- embrace the uniqueness of each child in a community of caring and supportive teachers whose instruction helps them grow in the love of God and others.
- guide students to live well on earth so they may rejoice with God forever in heaven.
Please see below for updated guidance from Bishop Burbidge and the Diocese of Arlington in reference to the Human Person and Gender Ideology.