
Students may not be dropped off before 7:30 am unless registered in the Extended Day program. Students left after 3:15 pm will be considered “late pickup” and charged accordingly. The late pickup fee is $15/hr per student starting at 3:00 pm.

Morning Drop Off Procedures

Please follow the direction of the Aquinas staff members during morning drop off – they are there to guide you through the process. We ask that you do not get out of your car, staff members are there to assist your students and will come to your car to help them if needed. All students should exit on the passenger side of the vehicle and go directly to the sidewalk. Please do not pass on the left side of the stopped vehicles that are dropping off students. We will move the line forward as quickly as possible, passing on the left slows the process and causes confusion and potential safety issues. Thank you for your patience!

Click HERE for the Morning Drop Off Map

Afternoon Pick Up Procedures (PK and K parents see below)

From Mary’s Way turn right into the Aquinas parking lot and then make the first right. Cars will line up in rows, bumper to bumper.

  • Please pull in close but leave enough room to maneuver as not all cars in the parking lot are part of dismissal.
  • Start in the outermost rows and move to the middle. This allows for the safest dismissal process. Please do not park randomly.
  • You may not enter the parking lot from Easy Street! This is not allowed and presents a serious safety risk.

If you are parked on the end closest to Mary’s Way you will exit out of the parking lot onto Mary’s Way.

If you would prefer to exit out Easy Street, please park on the far end of the parking lot closest to Route 1. Vehicles on that end will be dismissed out the Easy Street exit (this will take place simultaneously on each end of the parking lot).

Click HERE for the Parking Lot Map

  • Students will be dismissed at 3 PM to the front circle area and will line up by grade (8th closest to the church and 1st closest to the school).
  • Parents should wait behind the white crosswalk between the church and chapel. This allows PK and K to safely dismiss while being monitored. When students are ready for dismissal, a loud horn will sound. Parents may then cross into the circle area.
  • As you pick up your student(s), make eye contact with the teacher to ensure he or she knows you now have your child.
  • Once you have your student(s), return to your car in the parking lot. As we near the end of dismissal time, you will hear the horn sound again prompting all to return to their vehicles as we begin dismissal. Once it is determined to be safe, all vehicles will be dismissed by rows at the direction of an Aquinas staff member.

Click HERE for the Dismissal Map

Afternoon Pick Up Procedures (PK and K ONLY)

PK and K students will dismiss from the sidewalk area alongside the church at 2:45 PM. Older siblings will follow at 2:50 PM. Please follow the same procedure as Morning Drop Off, forming a line alongside the sidewalk.

  • Pull up as far as you can and form a tight line so we can fit as many cars as possible.
  • When your child is outside, exit your vehicle and pick up your PK or K student. Please ensure the teacher is aware you have picked up your child.
  • If at all possible have your child on the passenger side of the vehicle
  • If you are stopped near the end of the line, please wait for the first round of cars to begin leaving so you can then pull forward to pick up your child.

Families with ONLY PK or K students: after your child is in your vehicle you may carefully exit the line and proceed to leave the parking lot via Mary’s Way.

Families with older siblings: you will return to your vehicle and wait for your older children, please continue to move forward with the line. Your older students will come to your vehicle, you will not need to walk up to pick them up.

Contact via email

St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School
13750 Mary's Way
Woodbridge, VA 22191

Copyright © 2025 St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School. All rights reserved.

St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School admits students of any race, color, and national origin.