Mini-Retiro Familiar de Cuaresma
Haga clic AQUÍ para confirmar su asistencia al Mini-Retiro Familiar de Cuaresma el martes 14 de marzo de 5:30 a 8:15 p. m. en el salón de eventos del colegio. Solo un recordatorio, el PTO de Aquinas proporcionará una cena con pizza gratis.
Lenten Family Mini-Retreat
Click HERE to RSVP for the Lenten Family Mini-Retreat on Wednesday, March 15 from 5:30 to 8:15 PM in our school hall. Just a reminder, a FREE pizza dinner will be provided by the Aquinas PTO.
Donate to support the retreat
We are so pleased to offer this wonderful retreat! Donations will help offset the costs for the evening. Thank you for your support!